Our Info

This area is for sharing and communicating information about us.

Address Book: You can perform search using this button. You can search by First name, Last name, Spouse’s name or by Street name. Partial names can also be used to perform search. For example searching for park will list everyone on Park Lane Ct and anyone named Parker if in the database. You can also click on the map to get information about a lot. The Royal Pointe directory is intended to assist neighbors in contacting each other. It is not to be used by anyone for solicitation purpose. Please do not duplicate or distribute the directory and other information contained herein.

My Info: This is the form to enter/edit information about yourself for the benefit of your neighbors. All the fields are optional. But if you fill out your kid’s name and birthday it will be displayed on our home page in calender of events. Also if you fill out your email address you will receive important information from the residents and board members. The name field must be filled out to create/post classifieds. If you would like to show off your home or family picture in the Detailed View please email me a small picture (400×300) named lot###.jpg.

Change PSWD: Your password should be between 6 and 10 characters.

Sell My Home: Use this to put your house for sale on our web site. This will show a page with default data. Edit this data and Accept the changes to create your page. Then send webmaster 9 photographs of your home (size 400×300). Name these photographs 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. The photograph 1.jpg should be the front view of your house. To take your home off the market click REMOVE.

Demographics: It is based on the information filled out by residents using My Info.

List of ICONS:

  • Address Book
  • Search Results
  • Detailed View